VALUE 4|9: Our system for the holistic management of communication. One system. Four modules. Top level cockpit. Customized analyses & output formats.
- creates transparency about the performance of your own communication by topic, campaign and channel.
- provides evidence of effectiveness in terms of resonance in subject areas, reputation and financial value contribution of communication.
- enables data-based control of communication for all stakeholders in management, newsrooms, content and channel teams and editorial offices.
1) Content PERFORMANCE - What performance do we achieve in owned media?
- Topics & campaigns across all platforms
- Content categorization via AI topic modeling
- Data integration via API or file import
for content & channel teams
2) Media TOPICS - In which topics are we mentioned?
- Analysis by topic across all earned media
- Content categorization via AI topic modeling
- Share of voice and sentiment in the competitive field
ffor newsrooms
3) Media REPUTATION - How is our media reputation developing?
- in 5 reputation dimensions
- Visibility & sentiment
- compared to the competition
for comms Management
4) Brand VALUE - What value do we achieve with communication?
- Proof of effectiveness for the corporate brand
- Key financial figure for the value added statement
- Procedure ISO 10668 certified
fFor top management
REPORTING Dashboard 
- Top level view of all impact levels and KPIs.
- Topic results of content performance (owned) and media resonance (earned) by topic.
- Owned media performance by channel and topic down to individual post level.
- Earned media topics against competitors incl. sentiment down to statement level.
- Media reputation in 5 reputation dimensions against competitors.
- Brand value calculation according to ISO 10668.