"I don't necessarily agree with everything that I say"

Marshall McLuhan

What data reveals - if you care (social media use).

Interpreting data, for example on social media usage, is as tedious as the work of a truffle pig. But wait, doesn't the pig have fun looking for truffles? It does, but that's no wonder; after all, it's not a bad-tempered bean counter like the gentlemen in our picture. Here's an example of what happens when [...]


Communication at war - 35% bots on Twitter in US, 20% in EU?

TLDR: For the Web Excellence Forum, .companion examined 2 samples on the resonance on Twitter. The results probably surprise only a few experts, but for social media priests they mean real #new territory. Robots have a significant influence on media resonance. The seemingly objective performance indicators are also massively manipulated here. Welcome to the matrix.


Recommendation: A digital media framework for all.

TLDR: You remember? On June 3, Forrester showed us that measuring success is the biggest challenge in digital marketing. And we promised a recommendation to all who know/fear that tools are not the solution. Here it is. How nice that Facebook already implemented it last week.


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