Here are recent results from, Excellence Forum and Meltwater's continuous benchmarking service for #sustainabilitycommunications. Following is our free monthly report on the biggest negatively charged topics in the context of corporate brands and sustainability. In this post, we take aim at German-language mentions in the "Electricity & Utilities" industry. For December, determined that the following topics had the most negative [...]
#SDG echo
Sustainability Issues for B2B Service, global, in December 2022
There are new sustainability insights from, Excellence Forum's continuous benchmarking service for #sustainability #communications. Find below our free monthly report on the most negative topics, that came up in the context of company brands and sustainability. In today's post, we will analyze issues linked to the industry sector "B2B Service". In December, found that most [...]
Sustainability Reporter: Chemicals Industry, global, Nov 2022
Here are some insights from, Excellence Forum's continuous benchmarking service for #sustainability #communications . Here is our free monthly report on the most negative topics, that came up in the context of company brands and sustainability. In this post, we will analyze sustainability issues linked to the industry sector "Chemical". Looking at November, found that [...]
Sustainability Reporter: Issues, all industries, EU Market, Oct 2022
Sustainability Reporter for Oct 2022, EU Market, issues Here are some insights from, Excellence Forum's continuous benchmarking service for #sustainability #communications . Today, we will look into issues linked to the European market. For last month, found that most negative sentiments were connected to the following 5 topics: #uniteagainstclimatefailure #adidas #greenwashing #worldanimalday #deforestation Negative sentiment above was mainly connected to the following [...]
Sustainability Reporter: EU companies in October 2022
SDG Echo: Sustainability Reporter for the EU market in October 2022. Here are latest results from, Excellence Forum and Meltwater's continuous benchmarking service for #SustainabilityCommunication. Today we examine the European market for German-language sustainability mentions. This month, most negative engagements were related to the following hashtags: #coalphaseout #rwe #habeck #climateprotection #lützerath The negative sentiment was predominantly linked to the following brands: #RWE #KfW banking group #Volkswagen. Would you like to [...]