"I don't necessarily agree with everything that I say"

Marshall McLuhan

Feedback - NPS Assessment 12 for the Excellence Forum Symposium #53

"When an event still keeps you busy four days after it has ended, then that is a sign. Many thanks to Michael Heine, Thomas Mickeleit & Frank Sielaff for the depth of content and excellent exchange in the truest sense of the word! " Manager Distribution & Paid Campaign SCHOTT AG "A very successful symposium. The unvarnished field reports and the informal exchange between communication managers were particularly helpful. [...]


Excellence Symposium #53 - "Data Marathon". All on the long haul, all with the same goal.

With excellent feedback in our luggage (statements from the participants will follow in another post), the #ExcellenceForum (XF) says goodbye to 44 communicators from 23 companies after two intensive and diverse days. And we say a big thank you to our host Axel Springer Corporate Solutions (ACSC) with Christopher Brott. ASCS left a lasting impression. Not only with [...]


Data Marathon - Excellence Symposium #53 on 22 and 23 June in Berlin at Axel Springer

Communication excellencies, off to Berlin for two exciting conference days! For the 53rd symposium, Germany's most important benchmarking circle for communication will meet this time in a landmark for the profound change in the media world, the new Axel Springer building in Berlin. Conference motto: "Data Marathon - How Data Benefits Communication and Communication Benefits Data". Two days of specialist programmes just for communicators from companies revolve [...]


ExcellenceCircle #35 - Internal controversies - at what point does Corp Comm react? And if so: how?

#ExcellenceForum invites all communicators to the #WebCircle on 7 April, 15:00. For "the internal", the promotion of "Speak-up Culture" is the order of the day. Employees should be able to say what they think, to show what they stand for. But what happens when employees stir up controversy and flood the internal comment columns? What if the tone gets rough, political or [...]


Next Excellence Web-Circle on 25.11. - "Communicating with what attitude? Why BARMER provocatively promotes #inequality, how they do it, and what then happens in social."

If biological sex helps determine which symptoms we develop and how we are treated medically, then the logical consequence is: "The equal treatment of women and men must stop." This gender message is provocative. Who dares to make it the focus of an attitude campaign on social media? Head of Marketing Maurizio Barucca and his campaign team at one of the two largest [...]


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