"I don't necessarily agree with everything that I say"

Marshall McLuhan

Ad Fraud's grandiose future in one picture

TLDR: A picture from Hewlett Packard says it all about the future of "ad fraud" - it's terrific! Organized fraud with pretend advertising reach is as profitable as drug and arms trafficking, but only as risky as credit card fraud.


Content marketing currency: "Very helpful, like a contrast agent"

TLDR: W&V reports on our "work" on a currency for content marketing. Yes, indeed, it exists, the currency is called Content.ONE and it makes communication across all channels comparable. But no, we're not working on it, it's already ready. As of 2017, every company can have every campaign evaluated according to the new standard.


Content marketing readiness - get out of the matrix!

TLDR: Companies need to integrate their performance measurement to get ready to launch. That's one finding of the Content Marketing Readiness Study, which .companion is unveiling this week. Here's the latest Horizon interview on the topic.


Why and when Big Data leads to a system crash

TLDR: The 2016 Communications Congress delivers an unpalatable prognosis: data-based control systems, whether in communications, technology or society, are bound to get out of control. The whole problem and the prognosis, here in one picture.


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